Sunday, September 21, 2008

More thoughts on Website & SEO...

To continue with those thoughts on website and search engine optimization: I have been doing a lot of "homework" (I suppose it could aptly be called that - I am reading, re-reading, and reading some more, as well as taking notes, after all!), researching those sites and sources that have been recommended to me. I have found a lot of good info, very good info and absolutely great info at some of these... My brother, who is also one that is a really talented researcher, sent to me some really good links - from which I have been able to gain the most usable tools and resources. So, with those "tools", I continue on with the "tweaking" and fiddling around with my SweetPea & Violets site, adding this, deleting that... It is so much work - but, I think I like where I am heading with it. I have added a bit of new product, new content and services, and I have begun affiliate marketing from the site - which I have been told is "the" way to make money with a website. We'll see. It is all a lot to assimilate, both into my brain as well as the website. I persevere.
Among those links that my brother passed on to me was one in particular that I was so greatful to have come across: Steve Pavlina's Personal Development for Smart People... My goodness, this is the best informational blog/website! He writes a lot, offers a lot of tips and advice, and just pretty much shares all he knows with the goal of helping people better themselves. I really, really was so glad to have come across his website and blog. You'll find links to all of his archived blogs, plus links to other self-help oriented sites and products.
Another good site is where Darren Rowse tells you everything you need or want to know on how to make money with your blog... Imagine that. Here I am struggling to make money from my (retail) website, and there are those that are making a living from their blogs! He also offers links to archived blogs and other tools and resources. In any case, they are both really helpful, resourceful sites; I mean it. I was quite taken-aback by the possibilities of all that can be accomplished with just a little bit of creativity.
To that creative end, as I mentioned above, I have added a few new items to SweetPea & Violets. To complement the addition of more (hopefully decent) content, I now offer a select variety of aromatherapy books! I'll be adding more on herbs and other facets of aromatherapy practice, but for now, I think it a good beginning. I am working on the addition of more variety of essential oils (as well as a page devoted solely to that product) and aromatherapy tools such as aroma lamps and diffusers.
As far as money-making - one of the affiliate ventures I am working on promoting is SFI. Some might say "Oh, not another one...", but, you know, I am actually seeing a bit of turn-around with this one. I'm seeing a response to my ads, and I actually received my first commission check! That was a thrilling moment, no kidding! It is taking a bit of time and work effort, I will be honest about that, but, I can see it beginning to grow (especially this month!) and the potential is making itself known. With no commitments or cost to look, it can't hurt to check it out.
I have continued with the other community sites, having a bit of fun and "meeting" new friends. At SweetPea & Violets' MySpace, I found two old "friends" - those I knew from The Blissful Soul - That Yarn Store (a real-live yarn shop located in Eagle Rock, CA) and Aurah - an awesome band that actually played live at The Blissful Soul. Visit me at MySpace and see for yourself. Another friend I have made is Beau Moreau. Another musician, really cool music. I've added a banner - a direct link to his music and site.
I'm still in the running over at StartUp Nation btw... I've no illusions of winning, mind you, but it's still nice to get your votes! So, vote for SweetPea & Violets, yes? Thanks...
'Til next time...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

...thoughts on communities and networking and other website aggravation

I've only recently begun networking via communities such as AdlandPro and StartUp Nation - both of which are more business affiliated (you'll notice their banners on this blog site, actually - I am indeed a loyal promoter, I suppose). I've had my difficulties with these, as one needs to be a paying member in order to reap the major benefits. I've posted my ads as directed, issued friend invitations, and been invited. Started a forum or two. And been completely flummoxed when attempting to reach members for feedback on my site or any "offers" I myself may actually be promoting. (Yeah, I succumbed to that hype, too) Salespider is pretty cool - I seem to be able to get the feedback I am looking for over there. And, really, the few people I've "met" at each community are pretty nice and very helpful. At StartUp Nation, I've actually entered my business/website in a competiton: Homebased 100 2008... I've no idea how I will do, but any votes would be appreciated! StartUp Nation HomeBased 100

At the (really good!) suggestions of a couple of Adlanders, and after much consideration and back-and-forth debates with my own good sense, I finally relented and started this blog (after several attempts directly on my website - dismal failures, each). Blogging is interesting - though, I tend to get carried away with nonsensical writing rants. I am learning as I go; I like to check out other blogs and have even found a few of my community friends. It'd be very cool to actually end up with a blog that has grown as popular as, say, oh, I don't know... (the oft radically opinionated) (a favorite of my son, I have to admit - and, though it isn't necessarily a favorite of mine, the guy is an interesting writer - if radically opinionated :-). Of course, I realize that would take years.

And, now I have again taken good advice (relented) and started pages with both Hover Spot and MySpace communities - to start (haha). I succumbed after noting a few of my own favorite businesses with pages of their own over there. I admired them (check out Mountain Rose Herbs MySpace page) and figured, okay, if it's working for them (and it seems to be, judging from both's number of "friends") it might work for me. Also family members are convinced that it will bring attention to SweetPea & Violets. Which is want I want! Have a look and maybe even join yourself! and

Sometimes I feel I have no idea what I am doing, while my entire goal is to promote my online business - SweetPea & Violets - which is a retail venture, not an "opportunity" such as those promoted on both AdlandPro, SaleSpider and even StartUp Nation - all of which I do belong to and from which I have made a few decent contacts. Not enough sales, as of yet. But the contacts are there. It's all about the "friendships" fostered and the contacts made, after all.

And, of course, the whole idea of promotion is to make sales (much needed sales!!!) that will indeed validate my staunch belief in a tangible brick-n-mortar store front. My goal, my dream, my ultimate achievement - a store of my own. Maybe two or three, even. Who knows? If I am gonna dream, might as well dream big - right?

In any case, I am working, it feels, around the clock on maintaining these pages, these sites, these blogs (one can blog on every one of these communities - there's even blog access at my Etsy site!). My hands hurt, my eyes burn, my head aches. And, I am never finished! There's always something new to add, some adjustment that needs to be made...

So, I have started the new pages on Hover Spot and MySpace. Added a few images of my work (myself and SweetPea & Violets logo, too) - but, no candles or aromatherapy images, although I do make mention of my services in the way of spiritual guidance, if one so needs... I have sent out a few invites (and had a few responded to favorably, yay!) So, now, what - I sit back and wait for results? For potentially thousands reading my/SweetPea's info and flocking to my website to buy a candle or two, maybe an essential oil, or (yikes!) maybe even one of my beloved hand crafted knitted/crocheted sets???? If only.

Unlike those articles (and I have read HUNDREDS) that promise the world and the moon in immediate financial success, I have found that all of this business promoting does indeed take work and more work, commitment, and time!!! The one thing I don't always have a ready supply of. You need to understand how to build a website (or have the money to pay someone else to do it for you), you need to understand a myriad number of techniques of selling - and there are all sorts of techniques of selling, believe me, most of which I do not get, personally - and then, there's ad/copy writing which is a major pain in the butt. I don't require convincing when I have made up my mind to purchase something, so it is hard for me to not only be motivated but to understand the necessity of creating a convincing reason for someone else to want to buy from me!

Though I rant, though I become mightily annoyed, disappointed, discouraged, I never lose sight of the goal - to promote my business and make it grow. I want people to look at my sites and think "wow, I like that..." I want them to look at what I offer and want to buy it for themselves or for a loved one, as the case may be. I work hard to make my sites user-friendly

-- though I do honestly wonder at my success at that, as feedback has not been what I would prefer. I receive several "Your site is so pretty..." but, that doesn't help, if all its prettiness doesn't sell the product I am offering. I ask for input, I'd rather have the sale - I'll be honest.

That said, I will keep up the work, the never-ending promotion, the commitment to create a successful business enterprise: SweetPea & Violets.

Onward. For any interested, I am working on a really late newsletter - had a few problems with my email provider and lost my entire email contact list... I won't go into that. I am working on it and all should be good-to-go shortly. I'll keep all interested posted, and with that -

'til next time...

Friday, July 11, 2008

...thoughts on aromatherapy

I've known of (been familiar with) the term "aromatherapy" for a long while, since the late 1980s, in fact. Of course, aromatherapy, itself, goes way back farther than that. Wisewomen and medicine men and women of old practiced exactly that, if calling it by another name at the time. The art of aromatherapy is fascinating - knowing herbs by sight, touch, smell; knowing the properties of any particular plant or flower. Knowing what part of each plant to use - leaves, flowers, roots - and the resulting benefits of each (again, whether by use of tea, poultice, or collected oil essence). Fascinating. I never tire of reading up on the subject overall, or of delving into particular methodologies.
What first came across my path was a sheaf of photocopied pages from an old book. I read about the different herbs, their properties, their origination and habitats, the uses of each. Peppermint leaves crushed into a paste to clean the teeth and tongue - or even the use of a twig to clean between the teeth - and this before the advent of tooth paste and brushes! A rinse of rosemary to cleanse one's scalp and hair. Lemon for lightening. Creating colognes from lavender, rose petals, orange zest and a bit of alcohol. Or men's cologne with bay leaves, spices, and rum.
Aromatherapy practice consists of beauty treatments: skincare, bodycare, haircare - inside and out (with caution and the knowledge of an educated practitioner, please!). It includes treatments (use of herbs in teas or inhaled essential oil essences) that alter our moods and emotions. Oils are used in massage therapy to ease body aches and promote both relaxation and healing. And through each of these methodologies, aromatherapy heals the whole person - body, mind, and spirit.
Imagine how long aromatherapy has been around - our prehistoric ancestors watched and learned from nature around them. And passed it on to us.
My favorite aspect of aromatherapy is discovering essential oils particular aromas and properties and finding those that are complementary in order to create a really terrific blend.
I first began blending, quite by accident, in the store where I worked. At the time, I was only concerned that it smell great! In the end, my first blend not only smelled terrific, I had concocted a blend that, when inhaled, one couldn't help but feel uplifted, better. I liked that effect. I liked that customers commented positively on the aroma filling the store. It was 2 years later before I reproduced the blend to sell it. I have it for sale, now, at my website SweetPea & Violets.
A delicious blend of orange, lavender and white clover (hard to find, folks!) I call it Irish Morning. I am working on others, including a "signature fragrance" - something that is the epitome of what I want others to understand what SweetPea & Violets is all about.
Just a note, here - I am not a practicing herbalist or aromatherapist. I am an aspiring aromatherapist. I am working on certification, a degree in holistic theology, as well, even as I write this. But, I am not prepared to offer advice, other than a recommendation to one who may be more qualified than I. What I do here, in my writing, as well as through my website as I create products or just sell safely ready-made product, is offer to share what I know and what I am learning. That aspiration is what inspired me to create my other website: Your Well-Lived Life - to be able to share and to point interested readers toward those other sources and/or sites that I believe will be of help and growth. So, there you are.

For those interested, I've completed the SweetPea & Violets website newsletter, which will shortly be sent out. Showcased a few really good items: promoting the Terra Nova products, and, of course, the candles. Added a few notes regarding the gifts that I have offered in the past, as well as a link to a gift catalog found on my Gift Gallery page. Made those all-important updates to my Etsy site: which will hopefully result in a little bit of positive feedback - and maybe even a sale or two!

In the meantime, I keep up with my studies, my work, my art. I've begun the writing, again (thank you my Adlandpro , Salespider and StartUp Nation community friends for inspiring me to commit to a blog - though I did heartily resist)
More to come...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy July... I like "firsts" - the first day of the week, of the month, of the year... it somehow feels new, that I can begin anew. I like the feeling of opportunities waiting to be explored.
I have been so busy working on all this internet/website stuff. I feel like I am neglecting other equally (or more!) important things - sorry, sorry, sorry! I will do better. There are just so many "important things" - family predominantly. But, I feel so driven to make this website business adventure of mine successful. Enough of that for now...
The SweetPea & Violets e-newsletter will be going out shortly. In it, I have made mention of all the website changes being implemented, as well as making reference to these other promotion activities I have undertaken - all in the name of "converting targeted visitors into customers"! I also make note of my etsy store, where I will be showcasing SweetPea & Violets knits and crocheted sets - not to mention the possibility of putting any other handcraft and art work of mine over there. So, if anyone that is familiar with my crochet work, you can find it there:
Please, visit & let me know what you think. I've only posted a few things, so far, but I have new stuff (never before seen!) that I will be putting up soon. It may feel like it is too hot (weather-wise) to sell knit/crochet, but I never feel that way about creating it. Crochet is one of my favorite things to do. Anyway, if you stop by my etsy store, leave a comment, please. Oh, and if you'd like to commission something made special, email me with your request. I'll gladly work with you on the details.
Some of that promotion activity has included joining varied ad communities. Two I am working with are Adlandpro and Salespider. Still exploring, but finding good things and good people. Thank you, Melanie and Debbie, for all your good advice and suggestions! Another good community that I've only just discovered is StartUp Nation. So far, it seems pretty cool. Lots of stuff to learn, though. And, I admit, I am a bit shy about adding my thoughts to the different forums available. Although I have had an idea for one kicking around in my brain, in which I may rant about a particular subject and blow off some steam.
I realize that these communities have probably been around for some time (goodness knows blogging has been, and look at me, I'm only just starting at that, too!) so, bear with me if I sound a bit naive or ignorant, at first. I will find my way. I will learn this internet world. I just never had any desire to before now. I had no interest in the internet, other than to check my email box - and I was terrible about keeping up with that! Now, that I am here, I suppose I am making up for lost time.
Back to my websites. Been working feverishly the past several days getting stuff added and making little tweaks here and there. Adding new product, new suggested resources - you'll see at the sites. and
(apologies for the wrong url in my last post... I was tired; it was an oversite written out of habit - the website logo/banner actually reads: "For... Your Well-Lived Life", but the "for" isn't in the web address...) Please visit; let me know what you think via email (or you can come back here and post a comment - that would be cool). I appreciate all comments and/or suggestions. It is all about improving and growing the business, after all.
'Til next time...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome to Pami's Page

June 26, 2008

Now, that I've made the transition from L.A. proper to this great spot (community of Valencia) and (though continuing to make "moving" adjustments) pretty much settled in, I've made time to work on my business website, clean it up, implement changes, and such. A part of those changes has been a whole-hearted endeavor at advertising that I had never really fooled around with before. Classifieds, site optimization, traffic exchanges... I had no idea that having an internet business could be so much work. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying maintaining, cleaning up, "optimizing" my website... I am just getting a bit... tired, I guess, of all the work and not a lot to show for all my effort. Anyway, part of the "program" of bringing attention to my business was connecting with communities (which I have) and setting up a blog (which this is supposed to be). I have attempted to create web journal pages directly on my websites, but I've never been happy with the results. So, after a few of my new community friends suggestions (good suggestions!) here I go, once more...

and so...

First post to a brand new blog - again! I hope and trust that all my loyal SweetPea & Violet friends will like this format, this new place better than all my previous attempts. To be honest, I am new at this. I do get enthusiastic when it comes to any sort of writing endeavor, whether it be journaling, diary-keeping, or... blogging. I find that there is so much I want to say, so much to share... where to start? I do promise that I will make every effort to not be long-winded or preach-y - instead to offer well-researched and thought out bits of information and such that readers will actually not only be interested in, but appreciative that they found this spot! I am optomistic.

That said, for those interested in my website (, as I noted in the site's Newsletter, I am making a few more changes. I am cutting back on product offered, having decided to specialize in the aromatherapy - including candles, incenses, essential oils - and favorite organic fragrances & bath products. Even though I love my craftwork, guys, knit and crochetwear just doesn't sell in the summer. So, even though those beloved hat/scarf sets will be available (I do have the etsy site, after all) they just won't be available through the SweetPea & Violets website - for now. The same goes for my art work and jewelry. I've also decided to forgo the site's Newsletter - June's is it, folks - opting to instead utilize the SweetPea & Violets' monthly/bi-monthly e-newsletter to relay the same information. All news, product updates, everything will be passed on through that medium, as well as referrals to this new blog site. I think it will be a bit more efficient, all in all.

Speaking of "news", btw, I have been hard at work on a sister site, if you will... For Your Well-Lived Life ( is all about just that - finding those things that enhance and fulfill your life. It's mostly resources and links to other sites that offer free stuff, books, music, etc... things I have come across in my own search for enlightenment that helped me in one way or another and that I felt the need to share. I hope that it will be received as open-mindedly and enthusiastically as I felt while working on it... oh, and it is still a work-in-progress, as I continue with research and add new info (pretty much almost daily). I do like it, though. 'Til next time.

StarWest Botanicals