Happy July... I like "firsts" - the first day of the week, of the month, of the year... it somehow feels new, that I can begin anew. I like the feeling of opportunities waiting to be explored.
I have been so busy working on all this internet/website stuff. I feel like I am neglecting other equally (or more!) important things - sorry, sorry, sorry! I will do better. There are just so many "important things" - family predominantly. But, I feel so driven to make this website business adventure of mine successful. Enough of that for now...
The SweetPea & Violets e-newsletter will be going out shortly. In it, I have made mention of all the website changes being implemented, as well as making reference to these other promotion activities I have undertaken - all in the name of "converting targeted visitors into customers"! I also make note of my etsy store, where I will be showcasing SweetPea & Violets knits and crocheted sets - not to mention the possibility of putting any other handcraft and art work of mine over there. So, if anyone that is familiar with my crochet work, you can find it there: http://www.sweetpea16.etsy.com
Please, visit & let me know what you think. I've only posted a few things, so far, but I have new stuff (never before seen!) that I will be putting up soon. It may feel like it is too hot (weather-wise) to sell knit/crochet, but I never feel that way about creating it. Crochet is one of my favorite things to do. Anyway, if you stop by my etsy store, leave a comment, please. Oh, and if you'd like to commission something made special, email me with your request. I'll gladly work with you on the details.
Some of that promotion activity has included joining varied ad communities. Two I am working with are Adlandpro and Salespider. Still exploring, but finding good things and good people. Thank you, Melanie and Debbie, for all your good advice and suggestions! Another good community that I've only just discovered is StartUp Nation. So far, it seems pretty cool. Lots of stuff to learn, though. And, I admit, I am a bit shy about adding my thoughts to the different forums available. Although I have had an idea for one kicking around in my brain, in which I may rant about a particular subject and blow off some steam.
I realize that these communities have probably been around for some time (goodness knows blogging has been, and look at me, I'm only just starting at that, too!) so, bear with me if I sound a bit naive or ignorant, at first. I will find my way. I will learn this internet world. I just never had any desire to before now. I had no interest in the internet, other than to check my email box - and I was terrible about keeping up with that! Now, that I am here, I suppose I am making up for lost time.
Back to my websites. Been working feverishly the past several days getting stuff added and making little tweaks here and there. Adding new product, new suggested resources - you'll see at the sites. http://www.sweetpea-and-violets.com and http://www.your-well-lived-life.net
(apologies for the wrong url in my last post... I was tired; it was an oversite written out of habit - the website logo/banner actually reads: "For... Your Well-Lived Life", but the "for" isn't in the web address...) Please visit; let me know what you think via email (or you can come back here and post a comment - that would be cool). I appreciate all comments and/or suggestions. It is all about improving and growing the business, after all.
'Til next time...