It's March... these past days to weeks are passing by much too quickly with seemingly little accomplished. I perservere...
I could say that a lot has been going on - but, it really hasn't been any more than the usual. There is my "day job" (lots of changes going on at that venue, but that's another topic for another day)... there is the home front and family issues, personal emotional issues that I determinedly, diligently work at daily - I will survive this... there is my website and internet "business" ( SweetPea and Violets ) that I (sort of) work so hard at... I admit, days will go by and I haven't even glimpsed at the site, let alone checked the email accounts...
My birthday came and went this past February - and, I have to admit, it was a better day than last year was... spent with friends from work, I finally experienced a modicum of feeling valued and loved by others. What a nice feeling that was. Dinner out, then a "girls nite" a few days later. I kind of enjoyed my birthday week. With that anniversary came the typical re-examination of life... where I am, what I want, aspirations, goals, etc. I looked at everything - economical, physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual - and came to conclusions of those changes I must implement if I truly intend to get any where in reaching those (some think far-fetched) ambitions of mine. I still kind-of weave back-and-forth, but... I'm working on it.
So, with the intro to this new month of March - Spring is on its way - I renew the meditation practice, make the decision to "be more green", incorporate a more "organic" way/style of nutrition & supplement (need the vitamins, yes, indeed), utilize more of the essential oil practice in, not just aroma therapy as-such, but in other personal care usage (shampoo, soaps, lotions, bath products, etc)... I like it. I have to say, indulging in an essential oil over-nite hair wrap is quite theraputic. I slept marvelously better than in forever.
Along with those baby-steps I am incorporating into daily life, I have renewed my intention to finish that (long-postponed) degree work. Put that off for much too long and it is more than time to pick up the books once again. With that in mind (I won't begin the actual legitimate coursework 'til April/May) I picked up a book I had forgotten about... Fritjof Capra's "Web of Life" is more math and science than anything else, but even in re-acquainting myself with long forgotten formulas, etc, including brief histories of the origins of those different schools of scientific thought and practice and the men and women behind them, I cannot help but be pleased with the connection I feel with the spiritual metaphysics that is my own interest. I know, it's dated (first published 1996) so, obviously there's been new discoveries, etc, since - but, though I am admittedly no mathematician or scientist of any sort, it's fascinating... It encourages me. I see the connection Capra talks of - the Web that connects us all.
more to come...