Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a New Year!

Happy New Year, all... I know, it has been much, much too long since I posted on Pami's Page. A bit going on, I have to admit - with the wesite, as well as in my personal life. Life does have a way of continuing on, as I do. To that end...
Even as I plug along promoting and updating SweetPea & Violets, I work at my other job - sales associate at Macy's. I have to admit, I do like my job. I like the department I work in, as well as the people I work with. Working through Christmas was an experience - very busy, stressful (in a productive way!) and exhausting! But, I did enjoy it very much. I like productivity and being busy. I like helping people and having my presence be a positive influence/experience to all involved. It has been a bit distressing, I will admit, to hear/read the news of store closures - and, no, where I am employed is not one of them! "My" store is actually in the midst of remodeling - due to be completed fall '09. It has also been distressing to read really negative blogs relating to bad customer service, etc, as related to Macy's employees (and company/store policy overall)... I cannot speak for the stores throughout the states, but, where I work, especially in my department, customer satisfaction is of utmost importance. We do our best to make customers happy. I know that I go out of my way to address my customers requests - and I like doing that! As for store policy - not a lot I can do or say about that. I have read blog comments from those that expect so much, demand so much (and I have assisted a few, myself) to the point of ridiculous-ness... However, I do believe that customer service is the backbone of any successful retail establishment and I think that if associates are not living up to our promise/commitment of service... well, a lot can be said for upbringing, in addition to on-the-job training implemented. It takes a bit of both. If I am rambling, apologies... Just know that I am commited to doing/giving/being my best - both at my department store job and in my website business.
As for the website: I have been caught up in making site/page revisions and in adding new product for 2009. As I continue to educate myself in all things aromatherapy, it only follows that it should carry over into what I do with SweetPea & Violets. I am working hard to create a "green" website presence - though I will be the first to acknowledge that not all of my offered gift products fall into that category. I am working on it, though! I have come across organizations and groups, other product sites that truly offer not only great products, but informative, educational information. Green America is one of several that I really value receiving newsletters from. Mountain Rose Herbs is another favorite company (I get my herbs from them!) that was voted Co-op America's (now, Green America) People's Choice Most Green Business for 2008... Congratulations to them!
In continuing along that line, though I do still love the Taronga candles line, I have pursued more organic candles and aromatherapy oils - I have included two new lines at SweetPea & Violets: Inbal Aromatherapy [I was familiar with them from The Blissful Soul store (visit Cheryl's updated Blissful Soul website btw)] and Crystal Journey Candles. At the SweetPea website you'll also find Inbal essential oils, as well as massage oils - great romantic Valentine's Day idea! I must say, I am looking forward to these changes, even as I implement them.
This past year was busy for me... family illness and loss... the move to Valencia (still love it here), a new place, a new job... Creating a new website and promoting that through various online communities. You'll find SweetPea & Violets at both MySpace and Facebook, in addition to StartUp Nation and Adlandpro. I work hard at promoting, but never seem to have enough time to do all I aim for! Hopefully this 2009 will be just a bit more successful at that, more productive. In speaking of that website promotion, though SweetPea & Violets did not make it in StartUp Nation's top 100 competition, we are trying again - this time in the first annual Leading Moms in Business 2009 competition. Check it out and vote for SweetPea & Violets! Thanks very much, in advance...
You know, some might believe that 2009 has had a rough start - what with our economic woes and all - but, I am one that believes in the adage that we receive what we give. I have so much hope and faith in our futures, despite the negatives that seem to make up all news media... we have all suffered losses, it is true - some more than most, both personal and financial. We need to hang in there. Have faith. Pray. Meditate. And work to make it all what we would have it be. That's what I believe. It's what I do. I hope you will, too.

StarWest Botanicals